SSgt. Melvin “Schunny” Schueneman
SSgt. Melvin Schueneman, was Bud Anderson’s second tour Crew Chief. After Bud completed his second tour and departed Leiston for the US, SSgt. Schueneman was killed in an aircraft accident. He is the only 357th FG enlisted man to die in an aircraft related accident. SSgt. Schueneman was returning from France in an AT-6, after repairing P-51 “Little Joe”. Lt Walter Corby and “Schunny” were killed as their AT-6 flew into bad weather returning to Leiston.

Assigned to 363FS, 357FG, 8AF USAAF. Returning from France in an AT-6 Texan, Corby and S/Sgt “Schunny” were killed as their A/C flew into bad weather returning to Leiston. Crashed Swingate/ nr Dover Killed in Service (KIS) 27-Jan-45.