Lt. Carroll Ofsthun, 363rd FS
All that I recall of this particular mission was that we were escorting bombers to a target in the vicinity of Prague. Me 262 aircraft were reported taking off from an airdrome in the area.
I spotted an Me 262 several thousand feet below me. I dove to attack from his rear at high speed and noted strikes in the area of the cockpit and on the fuselage as I fired short bursts. He took no evasive action — presumably, because he had not detected me coming up on his tail. I pulled up and came back over him as I saw that he had bellied into a field. I did not fire again — only shot my gun camera — as far as I was concerned, the plane was destroyed. Whether or not the pilot was killed or wounded, I do not know.
This happened to be my next to last mission before completing my tour, so I was happy to have at least one enemy aircraft to my credit.
Lt. Carroll W. Ofsthun
I just learned recently, when I attended a MN. Aviation Hall of Fame banquet, that I was one of two Minnesotans credited with 262s.

Carroll and his P-51D Mustang “The Count” 44-14977, B6-E

Carroll’s Encounter Report