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Major Montgomery Throop, 363rd FS Commander on the wing of his P-51B Mustang “Shanghai Lil” B6-A, Unknown tail number.

Major Montgomery (“Monty”) H. Throop, Jr.

Major Montgomery Throop served as Squadron Commander of the 363rd Fighter Squadron in their first months of operation in World War II .  The squadron lost it’s Commander, Captain Joe Giltner on his first mission 3 Jan 1944, so Major Troop was a welcome addition to lead the squadron. Bud Anderson recalls that Major Troop had served with the 4th Fighter Group (RAF Eagles) before coming directly to the Squadron and that he was easy going and well liked. Major Troop lead many missions and scored 3 victories with the 363rd FS. 

Please read James Shaw’s excellent book Unsung Heroes to learn more about Major Troop’s life and service with the 363rd FS. 

Major Montgomery Throop, 363rd FS Commander, 3 Victories

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