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357th FG Model Gallery

Model of P-51B “Joan” made by Les Wells in honor of Merle Olmsted, the de facto historian of the 357th FG. Merle was crew chief on “Joan”

Welcome to the 357th Fighter Group Model Gallery. The Gallery is a tribute to the 357th FG. Our Goal is to build and display as many different 357th FG aircraft as possible. We now have 200+ models on display, built by model builders from around the world. This is not a model building contest, but a Tribute to the wonderful men of the 357th FG and the P-51s they flew. Any model of a 357th FG aircraft is welcome here. This may be the largest collection of models dedicated to one fighter unit on display anywhere.  A sincere “Thanks” to all those who have contributed. If you would like to submit your model for display in the gallery, contact Jim Anderson at