Captain Harry R. Ankeny's Combat Diary
Page 34
(Wife - Mrs. Dorothy K, Snedden, 524 Eastern Ave.
Bellaforte, Ohio)
Flight surgeon with the 362nd.
(9) ALDRICH, JAMES G. 1st. Lt. O-857562 GR
(Mother - Mrs. Sarah H. Aldrich,, 133 Chapin St.
Binghamton, N. Y.)
Communication officer with 362nd.
(10) BEAL, HENRY (HANK) E. JR. CAPT. O-740344
(Mrs. Barbara M. Beal - wife
c/o M. Tibfals, Bishop. Calif.)
Finished tour of duty OK. Transferred to group
as Ass't. oper. officer. Had 2 planes to his
(11) BAKER, MAURICE F. CAPT. O-730333
(Mr. Frank J. Baker, Parker, S. D.)
Original flight leader in the 362nd F. Sqd. Had
a couple of Germans to his credit. Finished tour OK.
(12) BECKER, ROBT. H. CAPT. O-739239
(Mrs. Evelyn Hall - mother
5751 Roosevelt Ave. Hollydale, Calif.)
Got 7 1/2 planes to his credit. was a flight leader
overseas and made Capt. at that time. Finished
his tour the same day I finished mine.
(13) BOYER, CURRAN P. 1st. Lt. O-1555352 GR
(Mrs. Annabelle L. Boyer, 750 Franklin,
Columbus, Ohio. - wife)
Ordnance officer in 362nd.
(14) BROWN, PAUL S. 1st. Lt. O-571119 GR
(wife - Mrs. Mildred W. Brown, RFD#1
Allison Park, Penn.)
Ass't. Intelligence Off. with the 362nd.
Also Ass't. Adj.
(15) BROWN, ROBT. D. CAPT. O-740360
(Mother - Mrs. Elsie F. Brown,
3830 W. Washington Blvd. Chicago, Ill.)
Had a couple of planes to his credit first tour.
Shot down near Switzerland May 27, 1944, break-
ing leg. Escaped into France and came back to
states. Returned for a second tour of duty, is
still over there.

Copyright © 1996, Harry R. Ankeny